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Inside Capsule’s B Corp 30 2024: Our Fireside Chat With Industry Leaders

Written by Admin | Oct 11, 2024 9:36:55 AM


We recently hosted our B Corp 30 event sponsored by Cooper Parry and Harmonic Finance – an annual get-together of the best and brightest minds driving sustainability in the fast-growth startup world. And since gatekeeping isn’t our style, we thought we’d share what went down in the event’s fireside chat.

So, here’s what happened when we gathered Liz Edwards from Lucky Saint, Lise Honsinger from Notpla, and James Collier from Huel all in one room. In a discussion led by Harmonic Finance founder Charlie Walker, they shared their experiences on the unique challenges that come with navigating sustainable business practices, and what makes it worth all the effort.

Charlie Walker, Founder at Harmonic Finance

First things first, as the founder of a certified B Corp himself, we couldn't resist gleaning an initial nugget of wisdom from our fireside host, Charlie. Drawing on his experience leading Harmonic – a specialist recruiter in the finance & accountancy industries – Charlie emphasised the importance of upholding core values as a key metric for achieving targets. Then, it was time to grill our speakers…


Lise Honsinger, Chief Revenue Officer at Notpla


Lise Honsinger from sustainable packaging solution Notpla had some great advice for brands passionate about sustainability. Emphasising Notpla’s commitment to doing business for good, she urged fellow leaders to prioritise B Corp certification as early as possible in their growth journeys. That way, it’s easier to embed these principles into your business from the get-go – a viewpoint we can relate to at Capsule.

One thing that sets Notpla apart is its proactive approach to the business – in the sense that it’s constantly evolving. And as the business develops, so too does its values, which each and every team member embraces wholeheartedly. As an early mover in its space, it won the prestigious Earthshot Prize in recognition of its environmental contributions. Talking about Notpla’s investment journey, Lise spoke about how the team took time choosing an investor with values that aligned closely with their own – a prime example of their commitment to prioritising purpose over profit.


Liz Edwards, Supply, Operations, and Sustainability Director at Lucky Saint

Then it was over to Liz Edwards from leading alcohol-free beer brand, Lucky Saint. Liz explained how Lucky Saint’s B Corp credentials have been instrumental in helping it to attract top-tier talent – ultimately driving the brand’s growth while ensuring that its team is united in their goal to leave the planet better than they found it. Liz’s message to fellow leaders was clear: if sustainable growth is what you’re after, has been a great way for us to go about it.

In terms of Lucky Saint’s journey to date, the pioneering beer producer pivoted during the COVID-19 pandemic – exploring new channels to protect its growth. Today, its team is more geographically spread out, which is something that has highlighted the importance of strong core values from the recruitment process right through to internal communications, which Lucky Saint upholds through regular touchpoints. It’s this approach that earned it the title as one of the Sunday Times’ Best Companies to Work For.

Another secret to Lucky Saint’s success? It’s smart about its sustainability purse strings – carefully deciding which initiatives will have the most impact. And Liz’s fundraising tip? Be data-ready.


James Collier, Co-Founder and Chief Sustainable Nutrition Officer at Huel

Huel’s James Collier really drove home the idea of growth and impact going hand in hand. James brought up initiatives like investing in sustainable packaging and shipping methods – explaining that while these might be more expensive initially, the long-term benefits really pay off (literally!). As a dedicated B Corp, Huel keeps close track of its sustainability efforts and reports them to stakeholders every quarter. This helps keep the team accountable while fostering a culture of continuous improvement, supporting the planet and the Huel brand in the process.

Though Huel may be a household name today, the journey hasn’t always been smooth sailing. In the beginning, the leadership team set ambitious goals that they didn’t always achieve. But they didn’t give up – successfully securing funding from Morgan Stanley, streamlining their operations, and building a tight-knit community of ‘Hueligans’. At the heart of the Huel mission is a culture of unity and inclusivity, where every small win is celebrated – like hosting a rave in its new warehouse!

One thing Huel is still getting to grips with, according to James, is finding mid-level and senior hires who really connect with its values – a challenge it’s tackling head-on, with founding members having the final say on what truly makes a Hueligan.

Start your journey to sustainable success

…and that’s a wrap! We hope these insights have left you feeling inspired. If you’re already thinking about the steps you can take in your own journey towards doing business for good, find out what it takes to be B Corp certified.

And to learn how strong ESG values can work in your favour when building an insurance programme, speak to our team today.